Light to Lights

Hsinchu City

How to light up a city?

It took two years in the making to light up and link up the lanes and alleyways; new and old street blocks; art and city; history and technology. The exhibition features two threads: “Welcome” and “Thank you for coming”, the former indicating a showcase of the art festival outcomes and the latter intended to reveal the hard work that has gone into the running of the event. The two aspects of the exhibition, like two beams of light, converge into a sense of pride and light up the city.

“Welcome” displayed the documentation of the Light Coming Festival including the artworks exhibited to remind us how it has been an emotionally compelling process for all. “Thank you for coming” presented the Light Coming Festival preparation process, revealing the faces and hard work behind the successful execution of this dazzling city festival, specifically faces of the city government staff, Hsinchu citizens and volunteers.

To all the teams that were involved during the process, to the Hsinchu citizens that volunteered, and to everyone else whose life was touched by the Light Coming Festival, we say this: we have brought light and hope here, and we shall continue to light up this beautiful city and make it even more beautiful, Hsinchu.