Tsáu Kuè Installation during Yuejin Lantern Festival


Tsáu Kuè, composed by space, light, sound, and fog, transforms the historical Yanshuei Station Warehouse into a venue where vertical rails interweave and audiences can enjoy “a sound trip” dedicated only to Yanshuei. The elements: noise of trains passing, firecrackers of Yanshuei, the gleaming waves of Yuejin Harbor, and World Tree Fountain from Longci Light Festival keep going back and forth, crisscrossing, and restructuring. This performance is comprised of light and sound, and audiences can follow the sound from the railway to find the past glory of Yanshuei Station, which served as both sugarcane transportation and as passenger railway.

Tsáu Kuè, Tainan Yuejin Lantern Festival – PRESENT

▧ Date | Saturday, 1/ 22/ 2022 to Tuesday, 2/ 15 Open during Lunar New Year ▧ Lighting Performance | 18:00- 22:00
▧ Venue | Yanshuei Station Warehouse, Yanshuei District, Tainan City
▧ Adviser | Ministry of Culture
▧ Organizer | Tainan City Government
▧ Curating Planning & Executive Organizer | Artexpected

ONLINE media |
yahoo! | 台南兩大燈會──臺南月津港、龍崎雙燈節,走春趣
Verse | 2022月津港燈節十週年:打造歷屆最大規模地景光影美學饗宴